Saturday, November 18, 2006

Launch of my blog

Well, everyone who has been waiting for it can now let out a collective sigh of relief - Erik Samdahl, yes THE Erik Samdahl, has started a blog.

Why, do you ask? Why would THE Erik waste his time with such a thing as an online journal? Is it to share his wise opinions of the world? Is it to criticize the government for their poor handling of foreign affairs, the war on terror, the economy, gay rights, abortion and education? To talk about how even they have been so-so this year, I still hold out hope that the Seahawks will make it to the Superbowl? That the Mariners will be good once again? That I will go to at least one winning Sonics game before they make it to Oklahoma?

No... the simple reason is this: blogging helps search engine optimization of my movie review website,, and it needs the help. Yes, there are no noble efforts intended here - it is simply online marketing.

Of course, I may rant and rave just a little bit in the process...

1 comment:

digdo said...

Nice blog. Now you need to make a few more tweaks to maximize exposure. I will tell you all about them Monday.

Gamer Tag
Stormscreamer & Hawkeye of Catalyst Alliance

